October 13, 2009

OJV 3 Course Outline


§ CAE Gold Plus – Coursebook and Workbook

§ Extra materials


Your attendance and involvement in the classes will be recorded accurately and marked accordingly. You can attain 5 points for this area of the course.


There will be a total of 4 tests - one during the course, another in the January exam term, plus two make-up tests in April and June. The tests will consist of different types of tasks that you practised in class or did for homework. You can attain 50 points for this area of the course (25 for each test).


During the course you will be asked to hand in 3 writing assignments of various types. You can attain 15 points for this area of the course (5 for each assignment).


The oral exam will be held in the January exam term. It is taken in pairs and consists of a conversation between candidates based on a picture prompt and individual talks. You can attain 30 points for this area of the course.


For each area of the course you will be marked in percentages (0% - 100%) and you will receive points according to your marks in each respective area of the course.



5 points


50 points (2*25)


15 points (3*5)

Oral Exam (Interview)

30 points


100 points


You will be graded on a relative scale (relative to other students in your generation); however, you need a minimum of 60 points to receive a passing grade (6). The points can be earned in any way outlined here and there are no minimum requirements for any separate area of the course.