March 31, 2020

OJV 4 week 2 apocalypse edition

Link for this week:

Not a lot this week due to the debate class being scheduled. I've included the debate topics we would've covered so you can use that time to do a bit of research.

Keep on keeping on!

March 24, 2020

OJV 4 week 1 apocalypse edition

Here's the link to the materials for this week:

There's plenty to do but don't worry - next week the workload will be much lighter as we had a debate class scheduled. You'll notice I included the homework too. I obviously can't really check what you do with it, but some of those words (and/or their derived forms) can appear on the test (if we ever get to do it).

Finally, here's a bonus link just for fun - a very unique response to the lemons proverbial phrase I used in the previous post:

Have a great (well, as much as that's possible under current circumstances) week!

March 23, 2020

OJV 4 - moving forward

First of all, I hope all of you and your loved ones are well in these trying times.

I have thought long and hard on how to continue the course. It's challenging in these circumstances as it was designed to be interactive in nature and basically requires contact, which is impossible currently. It also includes a variety of materials from a lot of different sources, making consolidation difficult. Sadly, I don't think there is a way to fully replicate the intended experience in a distance learning setting. That said, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, so this is how we will proceed.

Every Tuesday around normal class time I will upload an archive containing screenshots of all the materials that were planned for that week (minus the interactive parts, obviously). I will send you the answer keys for the tasks with the materials for the following week so you can check your work. If you have any questions about the tasks or solutions, feel free to contact me.

As far as the writing task is concerned, the task will be posted here when it was planned (mid-late April) and you will hand it in by e-mail.

The presentations are the most challenging part currently. You should make your slides and prepare the presentation, but I don't currently know how we will go about it. It all depends on the duration of the current apocalypse, so I will update you later when we have more information.

Stay safe!