April 28, 2020

OJV 4 week 6 penultimate edition

Link for this week:


Exclusively vocabulary tasks this week, with some focus on the types of tasks you'll have on the test. This week also features the last of the homework for this semester.

Just a reminder - you still have about five and a half hours before the deadline for your essays, so if you haven't done it yet, there's still time, albeit not much.

See you soon(ish)!

April 21, 2020

OJV 4 week 5 almost prison edition

Time for new tasks! Link:


A variety of things this week - some grammar but mostly vocabulary tasks. You'll notice the return of homework as well. No, I didn't forget about it - this was all according to plan. We're actually nearing the end so I'll just use a popular saying nowadays - just 2 more weeks. I do actually mean it though.

All the best!

April 14, 2020

OJV 4 week 4 apocalypse edition

It's that day of the week again! Link:


This week you'll only get the keys for the previous one and the topics and instructions for your writing task. You have a generous deadline (2 weeks) but remember, you *can* hand it in earlier as well.

Hoping I'll see all of you again sometime!

April 7, 2020

OJV 4 week 3 apocalypse edition

Link for this week:


Nothing out of the ordinary this week - mostly grammar with some idiom, key word transformations and preposition practice. Next week you'll be getting your essay topics.
