June 12, 2020

OJV 4 oral exam registration

In order to increase efficiency, I will be making a detailed schedule for the oral exam. In order to do that, I need to know who you want to be paired with so you will need to register your pairs in the sheet linked below. Just enter your names in the color-coded cells in the first column. If you don't have a pair, enter your name in the second column and I will pair you up with someone. The registration will close 2 days before the exam since I need time to make the schedule and you need to actually see it in time. Here's the sheet:



Anonymous said...

Poštovani profesore,
Nema opcije "edit", ne možemo da se upišemo.

Davor said...

Link bi trebalo da bude u redu sada.

Anonymous said...

Poštovani profesore,

Neko je izgleda obrisao deo spispka sa imenima, pretpostavljam slučajno. Nadam se da biste to mogli da popravite.

Hvala Vam mnogo.